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Problem Solving

Building machine learning or AI solutions is difficult. Besides the uncertainty involved, convincing the business stakeholders to invest in the AI solution can be extremely difficult. On top of this, there’s an added layer of complexity when we are attempting this in a regulated industry such as banking or pharmaceuticals.

Our method of approaching business AI focuses on six core areas: Business Capture, AI Problem Framing, Data Strategy, AI System Design, Feasibility Assessment & Performance Evaluation.

Advantages of using this method are:

  • An upfront focus on driving business value
  • Ability to identify opportunities for investment in AI/ML solutions with Value vs. Feasibility assessment
  • An audit trail for the data sources & solution designs
  • A framework for translating business problems into ML/AI solutions
  • A reference design document for our engineers that will work on scaling the solution

1) Business Capture

In the business capture phase, we work with business SMEs or analysts to frame your business problems. Here are some guidelines for this:

2) AI Problem Framing

Once we have captured your business problem, we attempt to frame it in terms of AI & ML at a high level.

3) Data Strategy

Data is the petrol to a machine learning engine, so it is important that we capture the data requirements in detail. Initially we consider the requirements for training and inference. If we’re training a machine learning model, what features might be predictive? If we’re just doing inference, what data is required? 

Data Management

We should consider the approach to data management and procurement here. Are structured/semi structured data, unstructured data being used or both?

There are different requirements for dealing with structured and semi structured data vs. unstructured data. The way we store your data, the processing costs, volume available are some of the things to consider. In industry there are strict regulations on data and how it is used. You will want to have a strategy for complying with these. Capturing whether personal data is being used, the data source, primary contact for the data and how long you plan to store it will assist us in passing the inevitable data audits.

Data Labelling

In an industry setting we might want to take a supervised machine learning approach, but might not have labelled data. we should specify a data labelling strategy here. Should we use an outsourced service, or some other method to create the labels?

Bias Mitigation

We need to get an understanding of the bias in your data and put in place strategies for managing them. Examples of bias are:

4) AI System Design

Scope out the detail of the intelligent solution. We use the Business Capture and AI problem framing exercise to help inform you here. Things to consider are:

5) Performance Evaluation

Whether we’re training our own models or we’re leveraging existing ML services we should be tracking their performance against the requirements you stipulated. For machine learning solutions, a scientifically rigorous strategy for evaluating model performance should be implemented to prevent overfitting and to maximise the chance of the models working properly in production.

6) Feasibility Assessment

Our end goal is to build models that can work in production and add value to your organization. Once we have scoped out all the requirements and built the prototype, we will have a better understanding of how feasible the solution is to scale. Things to consider here are:

Value vs. Feasibility

You should be able to assess the value vs. feasibility of the solution. You want to go for solutions that have high value and high feasibility, few solutions that are designed will fit into this category on the outset. If you’re an organisation that is early in the adoption curve for intelligent applications, you can scope out several of these solutions to see where there are opportunities for you to invest.


Applying artificial intelligence to solve business problems is difficult. Because of all the moving parts, it is definitely worth standardising your approach as much as possible to make the process more efficient.