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Vessel Analytics

Using predictive maintenance, oil and gas companies can rely on IIoT-enabled technology, such as sensor data, and leverage predictive analytics for real-time equipment inspection. This helps predict maintenance requirements, which cuts maintenance costs and reduces unplanned equipment failures.

Real-time data collection and aggregation helps oil and gas companies boost overall vessel efficiency by continuously monitoring operations, tracking KPIs, and raising alarms whenever they drop. When paired with advanced analytics, modern predictive maintenance systems can simulate scenarios involving weather risks or other environmental conditions and act as early warning systems to minimize risks and equipment damage. As a result, oil and gas companies can run safe, streamlined, and efficient operations.
Monitoring the tank pressure is essential to protect workers, preserve the integrity of the tank’s contents, and reduce emissions to comply with increasingly tightening environmental regulations. In addition, the liquid and temperature changes make it necessary to monitor the tank pressure continuously.
Real-time monitoring using predictive maintenance solutions and IoT tank sensors for ullage, pressure, temperature, or discharging rate can tackle these challenges and manage tank pressure changes effectively. As a result, oil and gas companies can ensure rapid response in performance fluctuations, higher emissions, potential oxidation, or imminent equipment failure.